Vanilla Sky - User Reviews

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2.35 / 5

User Rating User rating: 2.35

Based on 10588 votes and 223 reviews

  • User rating: 2.35 21.83%
  • User rating: 2.35 4.40%
  • User rating: 2.35 11.46%
  • User rating: 2.35 11.07%
  • User rating: 2.35 51.24%

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Showing 151 to 200 of 223

User review rating: 0 December 21, 2001

did you ever stop to think that perhaps it IS the people WITH the brains that think this "nightmare of a movie" is unworthy, and the "shallow, unthinkers" are the ones who appreciate this pathetic flick? Paying customers left the theatre and/or slept through is a BAD, BAD, BAD movie!!!!! Shame on Tom and Cameron for trying to convince us otherwise.... :-(

User review rating: 0 December 21, 2001

The first half is good. the second half is very confusing. I would not recommed it to a friend

User review rating: 0 December 20, 2001

It is for sure better than a lot of movies.

User review rating: 0 December 20, 2001

I thought this movie was absolutely amazing, the story line was extremely creative and it had a new twist that I have yet to see in other movies. I also have a comment for the people that have been bashing this movie, first of all if you didn`t understand it then you shouldn`t be watching it because its obviously above you, secondly as someone already stated you should maybe just stick to "Another Teen Movie" type flicks because this one is obviously beyond you. I`d like to applaud the director of this masterpiece yet again, a job well done. - JS

User review rating: 0 December 20, 2001

Je pense c`est tres bon! Je l`amour! N`est pas?

User review rating: 0 December 20, 2001

this movie reminded me of "The Game" a movie with Michael Douglas

User review rating: 0 December 20, 2001

Can Someone who said "it`s an EXCELLENT MOVIE" be kind and tell me what`s the ending of the movie means? Because i really don`t understand........ -_-;;

User review rating: 0 December 20, 2001

Loved the movie, and the songs that are part of it. 4.5 starts in my book. Cruz and Cruise rock.

User review rating: 0 December 20, 2001

Please look at the movie in a deeper level.. everyone... it tries to deliever a message similar to Devil s advocate or even Run Lola Run... it s all about DECISION!! I think the movie makes that point clearly and it totally deserves more than 2.4 stars!!!1

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001


User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

Better than the reviews. If you were confused that is because you are a little slow in the head.

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

Crappity-Crap-Crap! Mr Cruise why have you done this to me!!!!!!!

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

Let s stop saying "you need a brain" to "appreciate" this movie. That s elitist. You don t need a PhD in Astro Physics to identify this flick as a REALLY bad movie. That may be MY OPINION, but it is THE CONSENSUS as well.

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

When I saw the trailer to this movie my interest was piqued. When I saw this movie I was blown away. This movie was an excellent movie. Why viewers had a differing opinion, I really dont understand. However not everyone has the same opinions about a varying amount of things, I can understand. Now, the movie I admit had me lost at times, but the ending sews up all the loose ends and leaves you (or me anyways) satisfied. I didnt have great expectations for this movie, but I was interested in seeing it. However you do need a brain and some patience to fully appreciate this movies complexities, that might be the reason viewers might have struggl

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

RE: Vanilla Sky Soundtrack. We can t take this album as a whole. It s part of a film. A really good film. And as such, a good album becomes much more than good. Tarantino once said that matching just the right song to just the right piece of film is "about as cinematic a thing as you can do." Reminiscent of the way Scorsese uses songs to amplify the film s moments in GOODFELLAS and CASINO, or the way Paul Thomas Anderson uses music in BOOGIE NIGHTS, Crowe skillfully uses SKY s soundtrack to accentuate and highlight the complex, often disturbing emotions of the film. VANILLA SKY is worth a buy, if only to understand and enjoy how Crowe thinks

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

Crowe will never be a Lynch, but this picture did reach a certain level of depth we haven t seen from him before. He is definitely growing as a filmmaker. Good picture.

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

My confusion gave it the edge to keep me interested throughout the whole movie...

User review rating: 0 December 19, 2001

if you are a smart person don t watch it.

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

OK all you boneheads who say this movie sucks - go back to watching movies like "Not another Teen Movie" Because this is art and way over your heads! And don t say that the ending has absolutely nothing to do with the rest of the movie because it was hinted at right from the beginning! Well done Crowe. A beautifully written and well directed film.

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

Well you know what??? I think that Tom Cruise is the greatest actor there ever was, and Cameron Crowe is also just as good, just because the movie was bad, and it wasn t what you were expecting, doesnt mean that all of the movies of Tom are going to be like that. "Cruise is the Greatest there ever lived." He will succeed alot more then any other actor, thats the bottom line, and that all I got to say Im proud to say that!!! My name is Jean-Paul Dusome

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

You Call This A Movie?

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

An ambitious mix of genres, Vanilla Sky collapses into an incoherent jumble. Cruise s performance lacks depth, and it s hard to feel sympathy for his narcissistic character.

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

"I have no idea why one of our most original film-makers would want to spend two years of his life translating someone else s movie from Spanish into English. And it wasn t such a good film in Spanish, either." -- Joel Siegel, ABCNEWS.COM

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

"A case of the vain leading the bland." -- Stephen Hunter, WASHINGTON POST

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

"I barely bought a word of it as it was." -- Dave White, IFILM

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

"Who would have thought that Cameron Crowe had a movie as bad as Vanilla Sky in him?" -- Stephanie Zacharek, SALON.COM

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

BAD. BAD. BAD. BAD. BAD. [ s terrible]

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

have never been so eager to tell everyone to save their money!! I want a refund! GARBAGE!

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

vanilla sky was the worst film I have ever seen!!! I cannot understand the mentallity of those critics that have raved about such tripe! It was boring. I kept waiting for something to happen. It never did. As far as Penelope Cruz - a flash in the pan as far as I am concerned. She remids me of a bat.

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

Hollywood egos run amok here....2 prima-donnas [Cruise and Crowe] have just made the WORST movie ever made [worst than Ishtar]

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

amazing. great idea, very intriguing and insightful. surprising and emotional ending.

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

I really enjoyed it. It made me think. It s not your regular hollywood type movie. So those of you thinking it ll be an action ll be disappointed.

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

Absolute waste of money!!

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

1 word: CRAP.

User review rating: 0 December 18, 2001

The acting was bad . The plot horrendous . Tom Cruise and Penelope Cruz are absolutely lousy.

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

i found it was ok. but i liked it bc it was it was a thriller and a guessing movie. i like guessing movies.

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

Not bad movie...til the end. I felt very ripped off, because it was as if they had a good script going, then did not know what to do. So, they threw something in (as if it were some kind of twist, it wasn t, it didn t relate) to finish it off. Some parts dragged out way too long, but the actors performed quite well.

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

the worst movie i have seen in a very long time...BORING sums it up. Maybe Cameron Crowe should try his had at music videos...they re short, he loves music...and even if it is a bad video, at least it won t have cost the viewer $14 and 3 hours of his/her life!!!

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

When I think of good movies, many different genres and films come to mind...some are good because they are funny, some are good because they tell an interesting story, some make you feel happy, some sad, some are good because they make a point about human nature. Tom and Cameron missed the boat on this one, BIG TIME! Too much happening and nothing really said. When half the theatre is asleep, you knoe that is a bad sign, and when the 90% of the people who were awake want their money back, that says something...SAVE YOUR MONEY!

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001


User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

This can t be the next Matrix because no one said things like "horrible", "terrible", "waste of my time and money", "I was sleeping..", "this sucked!" about the Matrix. Crowe and Cruise: you blew it on this Ishtar.

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

this is the worst movie i have ever seen.It was boring to start and half the audience fell asleep and had to be woken up at the end.STAY AWAYYYYYYYYYYYY

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

Rotten to the core!

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

absolutely terrible

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001


User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

Tom Cruise is a liar.

User review rating: 0 December 17, 2001

That movie was weird, not what I was expecting at all. I think it needed to be a little more clear

User review rating: 0 December 16, 2001

Oh my god! how could Tom Cruise allow this director to use him as a leading actor for such boring and cheap movie! pls Tom Cruise can do better than this trust me!

User review rating: 0 December 16, 2001

Vanilla Sky was a movie filled with an amazing storyline, a critique of human nature and a lesson on morality. This movie will hopefully win an oscar for best original screenplay and should at least get Tom Cruise nominated for Best Actor.

User review rating: 0 December 16, 2001

This movie was: poor...pathetic...B-O-R-I-N-G...pointless... disjointed... disappointing...unentertaining.... slow....BAD! I think that says it is 2.75 hours of your life that will never be able to get back....

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