Man of Steel - User Reviews

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3.62 / 5

User Rating User rating: 3.62

Based on 530 votes and 165 reviews

  • User rating: 3.62 43.52%
  • User rating: 3.62 18.06%
  • User rating: 3.62 12.50%
  • User rating: 3.62 8.33%
  • User rating: 3.62 17.59%

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Showing 101 to 150 of 165

User review rating: 5 June 16, 2013

What an epic movie!!!! Loved it start to end. Going to go seet again this tuesday :))

User review rating: 5 June 16, 2013

Crossed my fingers and hoped that it would be a good movie. It was more than a good movie. It was a great movie. Can't wait to see more DC Comic superheros...My dream movie would be Justic League vs Avengers!!!

User review rating: 3 June 16, 2013

While my husband (a true comic book geek) loved the movie, I and a female friend found it dark, gloomy, and devoid of almost any humour or levity. We both thought the original Superman movies were more fun.

User review rating: 5 June 16, 2013

Saw it twice now, 2nd time I saw it without 3D and I have to admit I liked it better. And for all those people, that said ''there was too much action'', IT'S A SUPERMAN MOVIE!!!!! when he is fighting people with his abilities sh** gonna get F up

User review rating: 2 June 16, 2013

Terrible action scenes. Honestly, there is only so many times you can watch one invincible character fly into another invincible character. Through a building, ok. Through a train... Through a building again... Starting to get a but repetitive. I actually left the theater when they stared throwing satellites at each other. I mean come on, you have pushed this guy through about 50 skyscraper type buildings and you think a satellite is going to hurt him? The first half of the movie was really good though.

User review rating: 5 June 16, 2013

Movie was awesome and i don't know if people know what the character of Lois is suppose to be like but Amy did a great job. This is my favorite adaptation of superman yet. I like how they told bits of his younger life but was still in the present time. Really enjoyed it even went to see it a second time in 3D and was better the second time you see more after you have adjusted to the speed of the fights. Great time

User review rating: 3 June 16, 2013

Good fun ! Enjoyed it a lot. Did not find it too long, and didn't mind the fight scenes --- it is Superman and you know going in that he's going to use his powers. Someone earlier said Amy Adams was a poor choice for Lois Lane - I thought she was ok. Terri Hatcher would have been a good choice if Superman was played by someone in his 50s. However, I think Cavill did nothing to own the role. Yep, he's big and muscular and the girls are going to like him. But he has no character, there's nothing he did that any big guy from Central Casting couldn't have done. That was the let down for me - but still a really fun movie.

User review rating: 4 June 16, 2013

To the people that give this movie a low rating.What are you looking for? This is Superman!People come to watch for shear action.If you want a romantic comedy then this isn't the movie for you . I thought it was great!

User review rating: 4 June 16, 2013

Awesome movie, however, too many fighting scenes to satisfy the 3D audience. made it unnecessarily long, however, rest of movie very enjoyable. Thought the kiss should have happened later not after half the city was blown apart and looked like many people died.

User review rating: 4 June 16, 2013

Awesome movie! Easily the best the movie of the summer! Before I decided to go watch Man Of Steel, I thought it was just going to be a pathetic remake of Superman. I was pleasantly surprised. It has full entertainment and plenty of intense action. The only thing I didn't like was the Lois Lane character. To me, the actress wasn't right for the part. She needs to be more sophisticated and classy looking. This is why I rated MOS 4 stars instead of 5. If you like action packed movies then you won't be disappointed.

User review rating: 5 June 16, 2013

makes me wish I was still in gradeschool. for the next gen, it's gold.

User review rating: 5 June 16, 2013

Better than AVENGERS and CATWOMAN combined! A triumph!

User review rating: 1 June 16, 2013

This movie is about 2 hours long and it feels like 1½ hours of it is explosions and other property damage, or special effects spaceships. There is no plot to speak of, and not much dialogue. In the ending trailers, it looked like there was 50 or 60 stunt men. A lot of the of the dialogue is pretty stilted. How do movies like this get made? Save your money and watch this at home - just get a big subwoofer for all the bangs, explosions, and relentless threatening soundtrack.

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2013

Only movie I have seen in the last 10 years that was more disappointing was the big wedding

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2013

Very Long, Very Boring, Very Bad

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2013

I guess I wouldn't say it was the worst movie I ever saw, but it was awfully close. scenes were too long and drawn out. they could have easily edited this down to 90 minutes and the boring factor would have gone down tremendously. My 12 year old daughter liked it though.

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

Loved this version of Superman. Acting was great and the story of how Superman came to be was told with a lot of heart. Terrific acting all around, a lot of good actors in tis film!

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

This movie is better than any marvel movie. Amazing action. Good direction. Finally a superman with natural muscles. Everyone played their part exceptional well. I would have given it a 6 stars if there was an option.

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

Awesome. Just awesome. Action from start to finish without letting the origin story telling anchor the movie. They kept the story moving along without sacrificing the action and Superman doesn't come off as a wimp like some of the other movies.

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

FINALLY!!!! They got it right at some point. Noland and crew really put together something genuine and authentic in terms of story line and original storytelling. Amazing!

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

This movie is thee superman movie I have always wished for. The movie for sure is a change in tone from the other superman movies the general audience is used to, I think the change in tone is good for superman. The movie has a lot of action, more than enough to satisfy you, and brilliant performances. But the movie also has heart, as it follows a story of a lonely character who is trying to search his place in life, eventually finding his true self and becoming the person he was mean't to be before transporting to earth, the so called 'Man of Steel'. I loved this movie and it definitely shouldn't be getting the negative reviews by critics on RT or Metacritic. I understand that it's not a mo

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

Definitely worth watching! Will watch it again!!!

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

I was thoroughly entertained and my expectations were exceeded by this film. Henry Cavill does a great job as Superman and the rest of the cast is just as amazing. I can't wait for the next one as the movie was building up to a sequel. Best superman movie since Superman 2. Now Batman doesn't have to carry the weight of DC by himself... lol. I agree with the asian cop near the end. "He's kinda hot" Yeah eye candy for girls!!! This movie is for people who just want pure entertainment and aren't angry cynics who nitpick every movie to death. It's a movie... enjoy it!!!

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

Awesome!!!! can't wait for the 2nd one, action packed like you wouldn't believe.

User review rating: 1 June 15, 2013

Hugely disappointing; the film looks like it was shot for $1.95.

User review rating: 4 June 15, 2013

Fun-filled flick. Only caveat: why didn't they let Diane Lane play Lois???

User review rating: 4 June 15, 2013

Shannon makes a formidable villain and he's the key to the film. It's never really explained why Superman is dating such an old hag, though.

User review rating: 5 June 15, 2013

Loved it! Be sure to stick through the end titles for a teaser with Vin Diesel as the next villain (Lex Luthor?).

User review rating: 3 June 15, 2013

Teri Hatcher made a better Lois Lane.

User review rating: 2 June 15, 2013

The original is still the best; the flying effects from 1978 are still more convincing than the cgi video game on display here.

User review rating: 4 June 15, 2013

i don't care what other said, BEST action movie this year alone.. better than avenger and iron man 3 for sure. Does it deserves a sequel for sure.. will i buy it in DVD... 100%.. action pack.,..

User review rating: 0 June 15, 2013

Action scenes deliver the goods, but like The Dark Knight before it, the movie is almost undone by the dreadful miscasting of its female lead. The pasty and cherubic Amy Adams is every bit as unappealing as Maggie Gyllenhaal was in Knight, and what's worse, she looks old enough to be Cavill's mother. As such, this rates a serviceable 3 out of 4, but it could have been so much more with the right actress to make the love story work.

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2013

I had really high hopes for this movie. And you know what? It's even better than you can imagine. Mind blowing, action packed, much more depth in the characters than the original one and the soundtrack is a master piece. Visually it's something that you've never seen before. Seriously my BEST movie of the summer.

User review rating: 1 June 14, 2013

2 movies in one. Too much. Felt nothing for the actors. There was not one single feel good moment and not one smile or laugh. Sorry. I was hopping I loved it.

User review rating: 4 June 14, 2013

Love that a Man is finally showing some hair on his chest. And What a chest it is!!!!!!

User review rating: 2 June 14, 2013

Never felt the humanity superman was supposed to learn, the plot and characters were very one-dimensional. Plain characters spotty plot. Time to leave the big man off screen and quit raising my hopes of a good superman movie

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2013


User review rating: 5 June 14, 2013

Amazing!!!! Bring on MOS 2

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2013

The best superhero movie ever.

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2013

Stop spoiling this movie and please do not compare it with Superman 1(Reev's)...It creates a different height of epicness and much more realistic superhero with a natural human sense....

User review rating: 4 June 14, 2013

I saw the advance screening and other than a couple holes in the story, it was certainly a unique take on the story. I'm a massive fan (tattoo, undies and all lol), I can say it rocked. How do invincible people fight? They destroy everything. Move over Hulk!

User review rating: 3 June 14, 2013

Disappointing, Isn't Superman supposed to be tall.

User review rating: 3 June 14, 2013

It's ok and a right lot better than Superman Returns. Should have gone with unknowns for the two leads, though.

User review rating: 0 June 14, 2013

Loved almost everything this reboot. The villain is amazing and a genuine threat to the Man of Steel, the casting of Perry White and Jimmy Olsen is spot on, and the effects have that luxurious video game sheen to them that every blockbuster movie must have these days. Only debit: I missed Teri Hatcher. The new Lois is beyond annoying, and looks too old opposite Supes. Hopefully they will find a new love interest for Clark in the sequel.

User review rating: 0 June 14, 2013

I can't believe they found a worse Lois than Kate Bosworth...

User review rating: 0 June 14, 2013

Amy Adams just about ruins an otherwise fairly engaging Superman film. I would edit her out of the movie if I could.

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2013

This movie was excellent, great story and the CGI was solid. Crowe was very well cast as was Cavil and Zod. Lois could have been better though.

User review rating: 5 June 14, 2013

awesome... really good movie...lots of action good story... don't like amy adams, but she was a good lois... cavill is really good as clark fits the part.. i don't know what movie reviewers are talking about this is a fantastic version of super man cant wait for more....

User review rating: 5 June 08, 2013

Superman 1 and 2 was great but Man of Steel elevated itself into a different level of epicness. DC and WB are now ready to challenge Marvel's position as hit makers in the comics to movies adaptations turf The real winners are comic book fans

User review rating: 0 May 29, 2013

Anne Hathaway would have been a better choice for Lois.

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