ublin-born actor Colin Farrell talks to Tribute about his upcoming role in Phone Booth, along with his no-holds barred views on love, life and the future.

Just looking at your career, which is so short and you’ve done so much, “overnight success” can definitely be the buzzword for you. How do you deal with that?
C.F. For me it’s quite a valid title, I suppose, I’ve been dealing in this game for about seven or eight years, and I mean I’ve had such a greased path, especially the last few of years. I mean, I’ve had such good fortune.

What do you attribute that good fortune to?
C.F. A lot of being in the right place at the right time. And a lot of just good breaks, man, whatever way the stars align.

You seem to like the moviemaking experience.
C.F. Yeah, I’m a film fan, you know, I mean from the early age of five or six I loved movies. Loved ‘em.

What attracts you so much to them?
C.F. I just love the idea of being in a room that’s dark and black and there’s a light coming from one place onto the screen, and people, no matter what their lives are like, no matter whether they’re rich, poor, sick or healthy can go in and get the same experience, get a different experience, or get some experience out of that two or two and half hours. I think it’s like the land of dreams.

Phone Booth is completely different, what attracted you to do that?
C.F. It was a blast man. But that attraction was very much that we were trying do something that hadn’t been done. And it was all in the phone booth, and it was a huge challenge, and I’m a sucker for a challenge. I’ve got great family and great friends and some lovely relationships, I mean my life’s good, and I don’t need to come to work and have a really easy time, because there’s no challenge to it.

Do you care what critics say? Actually they’ve been very nice to you and the movies you’ve done.
C.F. Yeah... absolutely, it’s nice to get nice things said about you.

But does it have an impact on you?
C.F. Not so much on that level to take a step back or step forward. I move very much to the beat of my own drum anyway.

So did you break up with Amelia? (Actress Amelia Warner, to whom he was married for a few months.)
C.F. Yeah.

Was that tough?
C.F. It was a heartbreak, it’s always sad when your heart breaks... she’s an amazing girl, and there’s no doubt I’ll always love her. But we talk all the time.

Are you staying away from relationships?
C.F.: Yeah, I don’t wanna go near relationships. I’m an assh... when I say that.

Do you want to go to L.A.?
C.F. No need to, no hunger to – ‘cause I like living in my land. I love Ireland, it’s where my life is, it’s where my best friends are. I really don’t need another pair of slippers or a toothbrush anywhere else in the world right now.

L.A. doesn’t attract you?
C.F. L.A. doesn’t attract me at all. I’ll go there for a week and have a laugh... and indulge myself a little bit. Play around and get outta there and get the plane to Ireland. Also I’m 25, so I’ll live in Ireland and work wherever I need to go. I’ll travel the world.

Zack Medicoff