aries march 21-april 20
From the 5th on, you're the star attraction, shining on the social scene. If unattached, your brilliance could attract a promising new co-star by mid-month. But it's on the 19th that the love scenario really goes supernova. After that, the mood downshifts and you need to get away from it all. Try losing yourself in a good movie or two. Somehow looking at the big picture reminds you to not sweat the small stuff. Hit the road if you can late in the month. Just be cool on the 26th, when tempers flare.

taurus april 21-may 21
You're screening big vacation plans. But can you really afford your dream trip? You'll know by the lunar eclipse on the 5th. Finances continue to be a big theme all month. You can make some savvy purchases at summer sales or flea markets. The
focus shifts to enjoying life's pleasures after the 14th. You do so in true Taurus style: sanely and sensually, especially on the 19th. You can't believe a stroke of luck around the 26th, but can get an even better deal if you negotiate.

gemini may 22-june 21
It's your mind that matters early in the month. You might turn to yoga or meditation to expand it. Doing so would also help you keep your cool around the lunar eclipse on the 5th. By the 12th, a happier scenario prevails, big on romantic scenes under moonlight. Your charm levels are high; make the most of it. Around the 19th, people tend to take out their frustrations on you. Be on guard for incidents of road rage. A relaxing trend keeps you mellow at month's end. Someone close draws nearer.

cancer june 22-july 22
You're floating on a cloud, and it's romance that's keeping your feet far, far off the ground. You may have to come down to earth and tend to business. But by the 12th, you're able to get away from it all with your other half. Mid-month, work you did behind the scenes is recognized. This could lead to more than one chance to call all the shots in the coming months. Let your confidence levels soar, but don't challenge a strong opponent on the 19th. You may later wish you'd been more willing to negotiate.

leo july 23-aug 23
leo july 23-aug 23
Much as you try to please those around you, they're not happy campers. Best just to let them be. Focus instead on vacation plans that failed to gel last month. Your social life puts you in the spotlight after 

Tom Cruise - Cancer, born July 3, 1962
Syracuse, New York

  Cancers are usually shy, retiring types - not ideal qualities for showbiz success. It's Tom Cruise's rising sign, Scorpio, that endows him with
ample reserves of brooding, sexy charisma.
But Scorpio rising gives plenty of sheer determination to overcome just about anything.
  Along with it comes a consuming desire for mega-stardom and great wealth - both of which Cruise has achieved. The planet Neptune is also rising, which gives him a
spiritual bent: he once studied in a Franciscan monastery and is famous for his association with the Church of Scientology.
  Although he would seem to be able to write his own ticket in Hollywood, Cruise may find many plans fail to gel in the year ahead and a clear direction may be difficult to achieve.
the 5th. Just resist flashing the credit cards to impress people from the 9-11th. A weekend getaway with your partner mid-month promises to bring you closer together, though a minor spat may occur on the 19th. After the 26th it's all fun and games, and the party is wherever you happen to find yourself.

virgo aug 24-sept 23
You're overdue for a break. Go ahead and indulge in some R & R, especially outdoors, early this month. You may be considering a deep relationship commitment around the 5th. But with new revelations about your co-star due all month long, you'd best hold off on firming anything up. Mid-month friends both new and old prove they're on your side. Some serious late-night discussions help you clarify your goals. After the 22nd, you're in a more solitary frame of mind.

libra sept 24-oct 23
It's up to you to make sure production continues while others go on vacation. Let those in charge see your solid, 'can do' side. Your other half proposes a
romantic getaway around the 12th. You're gung ho, but some promising career news may sidetrack you.  Look for the road to lie much clearer after the 19th. Later, others seem to want to convert you to new beliefs. Diplomatically resist all pressure and stick to your guns. The 26th brings a break from responsibility that is sensual and comforting.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
It's hard to make a getaway, even a small one, as the month begins. Still, there's an action-filled scenario around home base. Expect some unexpected but welcome visitors. And if you're looking, someone new could walk in the door around the 7th. Whatever your status, you'll play out more than one steamy summer love scene by mid-month. The focus then switches dramatically to your career sector. Use a social event to orchestrate an important meeting on the 26th.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
The eclipse on the 5th may trigger that old urge to splurge. If you think you can afford it, you probably can't. Still, business and pleasure mix well most of the month, and you'll make plenty of useful contacts. After the 12th your famous boundless energy seems to dip. Don't panic - just take a break if you can. By the 19th you're back in fine form, and many projects you put on hold get the green light. After the 26th, indulge your culture-vulture side at a summer music festival or two.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
Your famous reserve fails you. In fact, until the 5th you're downright impulsive in love. Your other half responds wholeheartedly to your romantic gestures. You wine-and-dine professional associates as well mid-month. One such meeting just might lead to a promising new business partnership. The latter half of the month, you can charm just about anyone and are at your persuasive best. The 19th is most promising to cement an important agreement.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
Batten the hatches as friendships are in for some summer squalls. But all clears by the 6th, and you're able to patch things up. Meanwhile, plenty of happy social times bring new acquaintances your way. Someone you meet by chance on the 9th provides a career tip. And romance is definitely in the cards around the 15th. By the 22nd, your financial outlook brightens considerably. Look ahead to better times, but make sure you keep the security bases covered.

pisces feb 19-march 20
Your house of romance is graced by Jupiter after the 12th. It's easier to write the love scenario to your liking - but do you know what you want? The ideal
real-life co-star may be different than your fantasy one. By mid-month, you're happiest surrounded by close friends and family. Plan some lively gatherings 'round the barbecue. Around the 22nd getting your point across proves an exercise in frustration. But by month's end, all outstanding
issues are resolved.

                                                       Susan Kelly