ey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat." Oh how those words bring back memories. Even if you weren't around during the show's original episodes, you likely got an eye-full of the reruns. Now, after 35 years, Rocky and Bullwinkle are back with a feature film.

  Starting in 1959, the show featuring Rocky, the flying squirrel and Bullwinkle, the goofy moose, was a huge success that lasted six years and over 325 episodes (which more than doubles The Flintstones). Although not much to look at, the cartoon was filled with witty writing, puns and hilarious stereotypical characters.

  The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle will be much like the original show. The evil comrades from the cold war, Boris Badenov, Natasha Fatale and Fearless Leader escape their two-dimensional world and enter ours. Meanwhile, Rocky and Bullwinkle, have been living out their retirement in Frostbite falls with cheques from the show's reruns - which now amount to about three cents. Once the U.S. President finds out about the evil trio's plan to take over the country he decides to re-instate the two retirees. With the help of bumbling FBI agent Karen Sympathy, Rocky and Bullwinkle must foil the Pottsylvanian's plans one last time.
The film, which is bound to cause more than a few nostalgic thoughts, turned a few heads on the Hollywood lot when it went into production. The nefarious trio consisting of Jason Alexander playing Boris, Rene Russo in the role of Natasha and Robert De Niro as Fearless were the first to sign up. Soon after, swarms of actors such as Billy Crystal, John Goodman, Whoopi Goldberg and Carl Reiner, lined up to make a cameo in the film.

  Did anyone notice the odd hair-do Robert De Niro was sporting at the Oscars this year? Apparently the severe military style hair cut was made for his character Fearless Leader. During filming, De Niro was "going all-out as a supervillain," explained director Des McAnuff. "It will be De Niro like we've never seen him."
For those who are not familiar with our heroes, a brief introduction is in order. Bullwinkle J. Moose was born and raised in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. After completing his education at M.I.T. (The Moose Institute of Toe-dancing) he served as an officer's hat rack in the Armed Forces. It was at this time that Bullwinkle decided to study acting, seeking roles as an animated duck, rabbit and iguana. (Bullwinkle) has more brains in his little finger," says creator Jay Ward, "than he has in his whole head!"

  Then there's Bullwinkle's best friend, Rocky J. Squirrel. Educated in private schools, Rocky majored in Snare Drums at Julliard. Although the brains of the show, Rocky is famous for being conned by even the most transparent rascals he comes in contact with.

  So there you have it. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle has something for everyone, as the young enjoy the slapstick, silly characters and plot, the mature viewers will laugh at the never ending onslaught of puns.

- Jane Sanderson