aries march 21-april 20
May is a low-key month. You play the daisy game: "...loves me, loves me not..." With the
final petal a clear answer emerges. Not to your liking? Then more than one encounter holds potential for love to bloom by the end of the month. Your name goes up in lights in early June. That's when higher-ups applaud your efforts with a special mention or career honor. New possibilities open up around the 27th that may seem improbable. But they prove right on the money long term.

taurus april 21-may 21
Long to be cast in a new career role? Then May is your month! Early on, though, people who should return your calls seem to avoid you. Hang in - you will get through in the end. Mid-month a fresh burst of romantic spirit takes your mind off these minor annoyances. You and your partner write new plot lines, and love scenes will be steamy. Your eyes are on distant horizons through June. Travel posters catch your eye, but check the budget before you book. Avoid taking on unnecessary debt.

gemini may 22-june 21
May is optimum vacation time. Plans gel easily, giving you lots to look forward to. Good deals abound on the 2nd, 6th and 18th. Romance spices up the scenario around the 18th, a trend that continues well into June. You're humming "Happy Birthday to me" pretty well all month. Your blithe spirit helps you generate true star quality. No wonder all the action seems to centre around you! Release your high spirits by throwing a bash or two early in the month.

cancer june 22-july 22
You make great strides in your career this May. Don't force any issues, though. Going with the flow now puts you in the swim later. Love and money - both scenarios sizzle by June. Seize the moment, for after the 4th both tend to fizzle. You can still make progress, of course, but getting firm agreements will be difficult. A domestic move is highlighted mid-month. You may be in the market for a new home, but resist making any firm offers until after the 23rd.

leo july 23-aug 23
Best lie low this May. Those around you tend to be spoiling for a fight. Sheath your claws and pick your battles carefully. After the 20th, your inner life holds the most promise. A short junket at month's end refreshes mind and spirit. In June, everyone on set is relaxed and happy. You're the life of any party, and are at your poised, charming best from the 9th through 20th. You manage to shine on both the private and professional scenes. A good idea strikes you on the 24th and is worth following up on.

virgo aug 24-sept 23
A financial deal is presented early May. Too bad it isn't all it's promoted to be. And since you then tend to exaggerate your own needs, best delay signing. Follow your heart later in the month. The real world and your IMAX-sized dreams aren't as far apart as you think. In June, Venus gets a new co-star named Mars. Result: love is in the air! You may even meet your soul mate and in an unlikely locale. As usual, you'll have doubts. Just take it slow and keep your options open. 

Nicole Kidman - Gemini, born June 20, 1967, Honolulu, Hawaii

Look closely at pictures of this statuesque, cooly elegant star. You'll likely find a mischievous twinkle in her lively blue eyes, definitely a hint of a playful Gemini nature. True, her great beauty and fiery red mane derive from planets in Leo, the sign of Hollywood glamour and star quality. They're Nicole's downfall as well, indicating she is uber-romantic, wanting to lose herself in her partner. As she was winning
accolades and awards for her role in Moulin Rouge, her marriage to Tom Cruise was running off the rails. But she's rebounded, proving herself with grace and intelligence, also Gemini qualities,
resulting in many trips to the awards podium,
including her Oscar win for her turn in The Hours. Nicole will continue to grow as an artist, with another larger-than-life romance on the horizon for 2003. Hopefully she's learned she no longer needs to walk in anyone's shadow.
libra sept 24-oct 23
If the bloom has gone out of life, it's time to stop and smell the roses. Once your outlook is refreshed, all aspects of your life flourish. Mid-May you're offered a chance to sit in the director's seat. Don't hesitate - show you're on the ball and ready to take charge. In June, home is not where your heart is. The bosom of your family proves warm and nurturing, but you long for distant places. Late in the month looks best for the getaway. Wait until the 28th to firm up financial commitments as well.

scorpio oct 24-nov 22
You can play many roles in May, but really shine behind the scenes. Eclipses trigger pre-summer doldrums so best keep a low profile. A work-related event or two helps you make important contacts. Make sure you review your resume and keep it up to date. By June, a romance seems to have lost its lustre. Take some time to get in better touch with your heart. Between the 24th and 30th, the yellow brick road to happiness lies clear. Take the first step then.

sagittarius nov 23-dec 21
Leap before you look - that's your motto. In May, though, try putting it in the usual order. Your famous intuition is off the mark more than once, especially around the 12th. Seek advice before making big decisions and then get a second opinion. In June, though, all your ideas are brilliant ones. Your star rises professionally, and you can write your own script - with you at the centre of the action. Someone's change of heart on the 30th has you baffled, but you soon clear the air.

capricorn dec 22-jan 20
Throw a party early May, when everyone comes on deck. At work, you're left holding down the ship as usual. But the scenario is not all one of drudgery. More than one highly romantic scene is played out mid-month. In June, you could be on the receiving end of an office crush around the 14th. Handle the situation with tact, as blunt words will backfire. The third week is a banner one. Financial gain is pretty well yours for the taking, though it may come to you from left field.

aquarius jan 21-feb 18
Venus works her magic until mid-May, bringing a touch of artistry to your love life and bank account. You may finesse a new arrangement or two on both fronts. But minor mix-ups abound late in the month, straining some of your close relationships. Don't assume others know your intentions. Explain yourself clearly. By June, big ideas are exactly what is called for. And yours are not just pie in the sky! Meanwhile, a new romance could have your head in the clouds.

pisces feb 19-march 20
Someone you once considered an extra on set suddenly shows romantic potential. Move slowly before promoting this person to a leading role, though. The script will need more than one re-write before the happy ending. Mostly, spring breezes waft a light-hearted social trend your way. You drift happily along in June, and luck is also on your side on the 18th and 19th. A mind-boggling opportunity lands in your lap on the 27th. Fortunately, you're clear-headed about its true potential.

                                                       Susan Kelly